KFW Invests Additional EUR 23.5 Million Subordinated Capital in InfraCredit
KFW Invests Additional EUR 23.5 Million Subordinated Capital in InfraCredit: In December 2019, InfraCredit announced the successful second round closing of €23.5 million (USD Equivalent) subordinated capital investment by its existing investor, KfW Development Bank, the largest development bank in Europe to support InfraCredit’s market development. The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank invested an additional EUR€23.5 million (USD Equivalent) 10-year subordinated unsecured capital in further support of InfraCredit, to increase its capitalisation and strengthen its balance sheet, as it continues to grow its guarantee portfolio. The investment is accompanied by a EUR €0.75 million technical assistance grant funds to support InfraCredit’s market development and capacity building programme. The subordinated unsecured long-term capital will rank as qualifying capital for capital adequacy and financial leverage purposes.